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Foro del simulador Open Rails

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Notapor cisterna » Sab Mar 08, 2014 12:29 am

FERNY escribió:Nueva Versión, con traducción al español a la que se ha referido Cisterna:

Gracias Ferny por la mención. Quería comentar, ya que he visto por ahí que alguna persona ha calificado como de fallo gordo que algunas cosas no estén traducidas, que solo se ha llevado a cabo la traducción de una parte del simulador. Progresivamente se irá ampliando hasta que todo el simulador esté traducido al completo.
Mensajes: 297
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 7:12 pm


Notapor RTP » Sab Mar 08, 2014 1:32 am

El propio James Ross, que es el encargado de la interfase entre el OR y el usuario ha declarado que:

En principio no se considero el multilenguaje en la organizacion del OR, y ahora lleva mucho trabajo convertir textos fijos en "indexados", por decirlo rapidamente.
El ingles es un idioma bastante conciso. Es dificil ajustar los textos en castellano, y una pesadilla hacerlo en aleman, por ejemplo.
Los mensajes asociados a caracteristicas experimentales no se traduciran hasta que sean permanentes.

En fin, que hacen lo que pueden, y es muy de agradecer que se implementen estas cosas.

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Registrado: Mar Ene 01, 2008 8:59 pm
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Notapor FERNY » Sab Mar 08, 2014 8:14 am

cisterna escribió:
FERNY escribió:Nueva Versión, con traducción al español a la que se ha referido Cisterna:

Gracias Ferny por la mención. Quería comentar, ya que he visto por ahí que alguna persona ha calificado como de fallo gordo que algunas cosas no estén traducidas, que solo se ha llevado a cabo la traducción de una parte del simulador. Progresivamente se irá ampliando hasta que todo el simulador esté traducido al completo.

Faltaria mas, los agradecidos somos los usuarios por vuestro curro.
"La luz al final del tunel es siempre la del tren que viene de frente."
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Mensajes: 1196
Registrado: Dom Feb 18, 2007 7:42 pm
Ubicación: Alicante, España


Notapor FERNY » Vie Mar 14, 2014 8:18 pm

Nueva Versión:
X.2096 - 14 March 2014
Executable binaries -
Source files - (Not needed to run Open Rails.)

Revision History Since Last Development Release and Last Experimental Release

2096 Only code improvements, mainly fixing all errors in XML comments
2095 Add more tests, specifically covering some of the default units used.
2094 Added experimental Steam and TCS sound triggers
2093 Bug 1282848 - Clean up and fix cabview gauge renderer.
2092 Adjust alerter handling
2091 Add HandleEvent method to TCS API, and check for end of auth.
2090 Improved performance, especially when zoomed-in, relevant for large routes
2089 Removed debug pring-statements accidently left in Train.cs (bug 1290749)
2088 Add more localization keywords
2087 Enable activity to set initial fuel levels.
2086 Fix STFReader UNITS.SpeedDefaultMPH, thus dynamic brake speeds are read correctly.
2085 Add an 5/pi multiplier to steam sound Variable1 calculation. ReleaseLoop sound command now releases all loops in queue.
"La luz al final del tunel es siempre la del tren que viene de frente."
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Mensajes: 1196
Registrado: Dom Feb 18, 2007 7:42 pm
Ubicación: Alicante, España


Notapor FERNY » Vie Mar 21, 2014 7:50 pm

Nueva Versión:
X.2111 - 21 March 2014
Executable binaries-
Source files - (Not needed to run Open Rails.)

Revision History Since Last Development Release and Last Experimental Release

2111 Creating a new path is now simpler. Added some fxCop fixes. Improved documentation.
2110 Make TrackViewer localizable.
2109 Make Xgettext be able to parse .xaml files for localizable strings
2108 Corrected problem with curve friction and speed getting curve radius when superelevation not enabled. Added documentation.
2107 Updated curve speed limit code to allow for high speed routes, and player entry of unbalanced superelevation.
2106 Update documentation configuration.
2105 Correct ORTS.Updater project file's output location and documentation settings.
2104 Bug 1278055 - fix material being shared between particle emitters.
2103 Fix for any visible popup windows causing CPU flood in Render Process.
2102 Adjust steam locomotive pulse triggers
2100 Added enable/disable function to curve speed limit on menu, some initial tuning of calculations
2099 ORTSTractionCharacteristics feature - a replacement of ORTSMaxTractiveEffortCurves.
2098 Remove unused fields and variables.
2097 Rework the TrackViewer project and put it into the main ORTS solution for automatic builds.
"La luz al final del tunel es siempre la del tren que viene de frente."
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Mensajes: 1196
Registrado: Dom Feb 18, 2007 7:42 pm
Ubicación: Alicante, España


Notapor FERNY » Vie Mar 28, 2014 8:08 pm

Nueva Versión:
X.2127 - 28 March 2014
Executable binaries -
Source files - (Not needed to run Open Rails.)

Revision History Since Last Development Release and Last Experimental Release

2127 Try and improve the wording of some simulation options. Small positioning fixes for options.
2126 ... c-updater/ Attempt to avoid the locked-file problem with the satellite assemblies used for localisation.
2125 Small updater fix - resolve relative URLs against the actual update URL and not my old hard-coded URL. :)
2124 ... c-updater/ Fix bug with TTL defaulting to 0 and taking out the NextCheck code and make NextCheck code safer.
2123 ... -in-x2120/ Fix for resume with new camera FOV. Added camera change to notice window and made it smaller and a bit out of the way.
2122 Propagate some sound triggers to remote controlled locomotives - by Carlo Santucci
2121 Added Czech translation - by Howky and Matej Pacha
2120 ... c-updater/ Add experimental option to use large address aware binaries when they exist.
2119 Updater update: expand SettingsStore types to include DateTime and TimeSpan, push storage-specific conversions down into the relevant SettingsStore, add TTL to updater settings and add LastCheck/NextCheck/Update cached state.
2118 Update locales
2117 Changes to curve resistance - added documentation, defaults and allowance for impact of wheelbase & speed
2116 ... wonderful/ Adding on-screen notice about FOV.
2115 ... wonderful/ Mousewheel now adjusts FOV.
2114 Bug 1265789 - add new experimental option for fast alt-tab switching.
2113 Remove solution folder as Express editions of VS don't support it properly. :(
2112 Experimental .ini file reader for TCS - by Serana
"La luz al final del tunel es siempre la del tren que viene de frente."
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Mensajes: 1196
Registrado: Dom Feb 18, 2007 7:42 pm
Ubicación: Alicante, España


Notapor J Antonio Martinez » Vie Mar 28, 2014 10:03 pm

Zoom añadido como funcion de control en el simulador, por fin! controlable desde la rueda del raton, da mucha jugabilidad a las camaras :o
Trenero ferroaficionado a simuladores y a la vida real :)
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J Antonio Martinez
Mensajes: 310
Registrado: Lun Abr 08, 2013 9:52 am


Notapor FERNY » Vie Abr 04, 2014 7:01 pm

Nueva Versión:
X.2137 - 04 April 2014
Executable binaries -
Source files - (Not needed to run Open Rails.)

Revision History Since Last Development Release and Last Experimental Release

2137 Update locales
2135 Tidy up WFile reading code in preparation for some new feature testing.
2134 Bug 1300762 - Correct a wrong localized string
2133 Continuing work on MSTS Environments.
2132 Continuing work on MSTS Environments.
2131 ... e-tunnels/ Split the interior shape into its own layer on top of the pricipitation. Turn off pricipitation when camera is underground.
2130 Continuing work on MSTS Environment.
2129 Updates to Content Manager, adding player and traffic details for activities, and some stubs for service/traffic files.
2128 Content Manager contributed project - for experimentation with managing and previewing content.
"La luz al final del tunel es siempre la del tren que viene de frente."
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Mensajes: 1196
Registrado: Dom Feb 18, 2007 7:42 pm
Ubicación: Alicante, España


Notapor J Antonio Martinez » Dom Abr 06, 2014 3:26 pm

A todos aquellos que les detecte la version como un virus el antivirus "Avast", es un falso positivo, lo han afirmado en el foro de elwas, quedaos tranquilos que no hay virus :wink:
Trenero ferroaficionado a simuladores y a la vida real :)
Avatar de Usuario
J Antonio Martinez
Mensajes: 310
Registrado: Lun Abr 08, 2013 9:52 am


Notapor FERNY » Vie Abr 11, 2014 6:59 pm

Nueva Versión:
X.2168 - 11 April 2014
Executable binaries -
Source files - (Not needed to run Open Rails.)

Revision History Since Last Development Release and Last Experimental Release

2168 Yet more problems in the new levelcrossing logic now sorted.
2167 Trackviewer: added advanced path editing features.
2166 Update French locale
2165 Rebuilt to include zh-CN.po files that are used for the Chinese locale.
2164 Update of 3D Cab; also "5" will shift passenger view to the next car.
2163 Resolve further problems with new levelcrossing logic.
2162 Update of 3D cab: use keyword ORTS3DCab in the .eng file, put 3D Cab files in CABVIEW3D folder in the engine folder. Restore .s extension for cab interior (.cabs is no longer used) The updated working model is available from
2161 Bug 1276508 - Fix handling of cabview control unit INCHES_OF_MERCURY.
2160 Chinese translation (menu and runactivity)
2159 Translated cameras names in RunActivity
2158 Correction of problem in AI.cs on restore of saved game.
2157 Patch for problem in new levelcrossing logic which caused crash in MP mode.
2156 ... resources/ Remove requirement for maximum LOD option when using model instancing.
2154 Update menu translation template and italian locale
2153 Correction of error which occured on uncoupling.
2152 Fix of bug 1276643, disappearing of train cars
2151 Fix for Bug #11197917 STFReader silently ignores filename missing initial " delimiter.
2150 Change to use Alt-1 to activate 3D Cab.
2149 ... resources/ Add static track shapes to allowed instancing types.
2148 New experimental "Use model instancing" option which uses hardware instancing to reduce draw calls on repetative scenes. The option only works when "Always use highest detail objects" is selected (for now). Also add "Vertical sync" option to video tab.
2147 Applied fix by CSantucci for "Passenger camera now respects initial direction" which didn't always.
2146 ... c-updater/ Possible fix for occasional update error with localised versions. Also fix for & in menu details pane titles being treated as a mnemonic.
2145 Resettle FIREBOX cabview renderer accidentally removed by 3D cab merge.
2144 Continuing work on MSTS Environment - Sky texture blending.
2143 Passenger camera now respects initial direction for each type of car and remembers direction when restoring camera.
2142 Update locales
2141 Updates to Content Manager.
2140 Further update wrt preparation for Timetable mode. Various improvements in Deadlock processing and alternative path selection. Slight change in operation of Level Crossings. Changes in Sky.cs and MSTSSky.cs to avoid errors when starting activity just before midnight.
2139 First try of 3D Cab, hit key "7" to activate. Must have a cab 3D model exported as shape file (named with extension ".cabs" instead of ".s") to work. A working model is available from
2138 Passenger camera now set to initial direction and direction not lost when switching cars.
"La luz al final del tunel es siempre la del tren que viene de frente."
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Mensajes: 1196
Registrado: Dom Feb 18, 2007 7:42 pm
Ubicación: Alicante, España


Notapor RTP » Vie Abr 11, 2014 7:48 pm

En esta version hay dos mejoras.
Un cambio de estrategia para representar onjetos muy repetidos.
En un paisaje con muchos arboles, como los de PRR East o 3DTS Donner las fps mejoran sobre un 10%

Y sobre todo, y muy importante:

Cabinas en 3D.

Esta todavia en experimentacion, pero las pruebas que he hecho hasta ahora, funcionan bien.

Felicidades al equipo OR.
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Mensajes: 456
Registrado: Mar Ene 01, 2008 8:59 pm
Ubicación: BCN


Notapor J Antonio Martinez » Vie Abr 11, 2014 8:41 pm

Pues he probado el tren que citan con cabina en 3D y no me sale nada al presionar "7"... :?
Trenero ferroaficionado a simuladores y a la vida real :)
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J Antonio Martinez
Mensajes: 310
Registrado: Lun Abr 08, 2013 9:52 am


Notapor RTP » Vie Abr 11, 2014 8:46 pm

Usa la version 2168

Se entra en la cabina 3D con Alt-1

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Mensajes: 456
Registrado: Mar Ene 01, 2008 8:59 pm
Ubicación: BCN


Notapor J Antonio Martinez » Sab Abr 12, 2014 8:27 am

RTP escribió:Usa la version 2168

Se entra en la cabina 3D con Alt-1


Gracias, ya funciona!! :)

Un saludo
Trenero ferroaficionado a simuladores y a la vida real :)
Avatar de Usuario
J Antonio Martinez
Mensajes: 310
Registrado: Lun Abr 08, 2013 9:52 am


Notapor FERNY » Vie Abr 18, 2014 6:53 pm

Nueva Versión:
X.2186 - 18 April 2014
Executable binaries -
Source files - (Not needed to run Open Rails.)

Revision History Since Last Development Release and Last Experimental Release

2186 Update for Danish language.
2185 TrackViewer: added option to zoom centered; Better auto-fixing broken nodes in path editor.
2184 SPA: Add copyConstructors and some flags
2183 Introduce "SPEED" Signal type and use of sigcfg.dat_or; Restore '0' as number for player train; Further additions for timetable mode.
2182 Contrib ContentManager: Added some cross-linking support to show what the ContentManager can actually do.
2181 Fix inverted math signs in r2178.
2180 Fix bug in curve speed which was causing AI trains to disappear, also added weather conditions to curve friction.
2179 ... ic-builds/ Fix for interior shape rendering mixing up opaque and blended. Patch by Carlo Santucci.
2178 (Strange) Fix for a RenderItem+Comparer.Compare crash. Patch by Carlo Santucci.
2177 Bug 1179536 - Fix reversed direction dynamic brake load meter.
2176 ... g-feature/ Fix for certain shaders (half-dark, dark-shade and full-bright) not working with instancing. Fix for night-only sub-objects (such as streetlights).
2174 Adjusted "equal loading speed" for curve friction.
2173 Update German locales
2172 Fix to filter AI trains from curve speed warnings, and fix to allow all wagons to be processed in curve resistance calculations.
"La luz al final del tunel es siempre la del tren que viene de frente."
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Mensajes: 1196
Registrado: Dom Feb 18, 2007 7:42 pm
Ubicación: Alicante, España


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